Why Is a Float Spa Beneficial for Your Mind and Body?

If you’re looking for the therapeutic benefits of an isolation tank, floatation tank, or sensory deprivation tank, ISÖ Spa Floatation Centre is here to help. We're the best spa in Ottawa for floatation therapy. Our facility offers multiple luxurious tanks, upscale finishes, and an inviting setting that encourages relaxation. A float tank can revitalize the body, boost endorphins, promote relaxation and circulation, reduce blood pressure, and improve athletic performance.

4 Reasons Why a Float Spa Can Benefit Your Mind & Body

Floatation therapy involves lying in a tank filled with water and Epsom salt. The Epsom salt increases buoyancy, so you don’t have to call on your muscles to float. The tank has a lid that locks you in, cutting out light, sound, and visual elements. A float tank deprives your senses, allowing you to enter a deep state of relaxation. Here are four reasons why spending time inside a floatation tank is beneficial for your mind and body:

1.  Shuts Off Environmental Stimuli

A sensory deprivation tank creates a thermally neutral environment with no light or sound. The sensory deprivation also eliminates environmental stimuli like gravity, wind, and background noise, making it ideal for practicing meditation. Shutting off environmental stimuli can result in many benefits for your mind and body. Your muscles will relax, and the cardiovascular system will also slow down. Blood pressure drops to baseline, allowing you to relax and focus.

Floating in a tank shifts your body’s stress response system to its lowest operation. You can achieve deep relaxation and shut off the mental noise. If you're concerned about lying inside a dark tank, some configurations allow some light inside. Float tanks are also safe, so you can drift asleep during the hour you spend inside the tank. Some of the top benefits of regular sensory deprivation tank sessions include the following:

  • Inducing deep relaxation

  • Relieving the symptoms of anxiety

  • Reducing stress hormones 

  • Increasing feel-good endorphins

  • Improving depression

  • Reducing chronic stress

  • Managing PTSD symptoms

2.  Relieves Muscle Pain & Tension

Epsom salt increases buoyance, making it effortless to float in the tank. Your body can also absorb some of it through your skin. A high concentration of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) can help remove the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles. Lactic acid buildup can cause muscle soreness and aches. Epsom salt absorbed through your skin can help reduce aches, especially after strenuous activity or a long day at work.  

Feeling better mentally can also reduce the intensity of physical pain. A drop in stress and increased relaxation can help soothe tense muscles and alleviate aches throughout the body. Sensory deprivation tank sessions can reduce the perceived intensity of chronic muscle pain and aches. Pain increases anxiety and stress, which increases the perception of pain. All you need is the best spa in Ottawa, like ISÖ Spa Floatation Centre.

3.  Promotes Optimism and a Positive Attitude

Floating therapy may reduce stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and negative emotions by reducing the sensory input to the brain. A float tank can improve mood in depressed patients. The therapy works best for stress-related anxiety and depression. If you have severe anxiety and depression, you can use floatation therapy as an adjunct.

The relaxing effects of the therapy can forge optimism among depressed patients. Floatation tanks also increase the production of feel-good endorphins, which can elevate your moods. At ISÖ Spa Floatation Centre, clients may leave the sensory deprivation tank happier and more optimistic. The session can relieve mental stress and reduce tension in different parts of the body, allowing you to feel rejuvenated. 

4.  Supports Healthy Sleep and Restfulness

Floatation therapy began as a treatment for sleep disorders. Floatation is shown to maintain improvements in sleep for several weeks. The sessions can improve sleep time and quality for those who float regularly.

Floating in a sensory deprivation tank impacts the brain and body in ways that mimic normal sleep. The tank reduces sensory input, slows blood pressure and heart rate, and relieves sore muscles, making it easier to achieve relaxation and sleep. Floatation tanks take you to a resting state, and some people fall asleep during their sessions. You'll also sleep better if you have good moods and experience less anxiety, stress, and soreness.

Visit the Best Spa in Ottawa 

A float therapy session can boost mental health by reducing stress, depression, and anxiety disorders. Floating also increases optimism and good vibes that enhance creativity, focus, and athletic performance. The tank gives you time to break away from the busy day and mentally reset. You should stick to leading facilities when looking for the potential mind and body benefits of floatation therapy. Not all tanks are created the same. You need the best spas.

At ISÖ Spa Floatation Centre, we provide multiple luxurious floatation tanks for the ideal candidates. You can achieve rest and get rid of tension in your muscles. We're the facility to visit when looking for the best spa in Ottawa. Our spa strives to offer a float experience you can recommend to friends, family, and colleagues. We serve clients seeking wellness and relaxation, mind-body benefits, and adjunct treatment for pain, anxiety, and sleep issues.