From Sensory Deprivation to Relaxation: A Comprehensive Look at the Evolution of Floatation Therapy

In today's fast-paced world, it's no wonder that stress, anxiety, and physical fatigue are becoming increasingly common. As a result, people are always on the lookout for ways to unwind and relax. One technique that's gaining popularity is floatation therapy. It's a form of sensory deprivation that involves floating in a tank filled with saltwater. It might seem daunting at first, but the experience is more relaxing than you might think. 

In this blog, we'll explore the evolution of floatation therapy, how it works, and the benefits it offers. We will also share some tips to book a float spa. Keep reading!

What is Floatation Therapy?

Floatation therapy is a form of sensory deprivation that involves floating in a tank filled with Epsom salt and water. The water is heated to skin temperature, which means you'll barely feel it. The tank is soundproof and dark, which means you'll be deprived of your senses. It's an experience that's designed to help you disconnect from the outside world and relax.

The History of Floatation Therapy

Floatation therapy, also known as sensory deprivation, was first introduced in the 1950s by John C. Lilly. Lilly, a neuroscientist, was interested in exploring the effects of sensory deprivation on the brain. He created a tank that was filled with saltwater and discovered that the experience was deeply relaxing. Since then, floatation therapy has evolved, and tanks have become more advanced, but the basic principles remain the same.

How Floatation Therapy Works

The tank used in floatation therapy is designed to create a relaxing and comfortable environment. The water is heated to skin temperature, and the tank is soundproof and dark. When you enter the tank, you'll float effortlessly in the water, which will help you relax. You'll also be deprived of your senses, which means you'll be able to disconnect from the outside world and focus on your thoughts.

The Benefits of Floatation Therapy

Floatation therapy offers numerous benefits, both physical and mental. Here are some of the most notable ones:

(i). Relaxation

As mentioned earlier, floatation therapy is designed to help you relax. When you're in the tank, you'll be able to disconnect from the outside world and focus on your thoughts. It's an experience that's deeply calming and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

(ii). Pain relief

The Epsom salt used in the tank has numerous health benefits. It's known to reduce inflammation, ease pain, and promote healing. When you float in the tank, your body will absorb the salt, which can help relieve pain and soreness.

(iii). Improved sleep

 Floatation therapy can help improve the quality of your sleep. When you're relaxed and calm, it's easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Studies have shown that people who float regularly experience deeper, more restful sleep.

(iv). Increased creativity

When you're in the tank, you'll be deprived of your senses, which means your brain will be free to wander. This can help promote creativity and allow you to think more clearly.

4 Tips to Book a Float Spa

The following tips will help you book a float spa today if you are interested:

(i). Do Your Research

Before booking a float spa session, it's important to do your research to find a reputable establishment. Look for reviews from other customers, check the spa's website for information on their float tanks and procedures, and ensure that they have proper sanitation and safety protocols in place.

(ii). Choose the Right Type of Tank

There are several different types of float tanks available, including open pools, enclosed pods, and cabins. Consider your comfort level and personal preferences when choosing the type of tank to use. If you're claustrophobic, an open pool or a larger pod may be a better option for you.

(iii). Schedule Your Appointment

Once you've found a float spa that meets your needs, schedule your appointment in advance. Float spas can be busy, especially during peak times, so it's important to plan ahead to ensure you can secure a spot that works for your schedule.

(iv). Prepare for Your Float

Before your float session, it's important to prepare your mind and body. Avoid caffeine or other stimulants beforehand, and eat a light meal a few hours prior to your session. You may also want to bring a change of clothes and any personal hygiene products you may need, such as a hairbrush or toothbrush.

Flotation Therapy FAQ

If you're new to floatation therapy, you might have some questions. The most frequently asked questions about flotation therapy are as under:

1. What should I expect during my first float?

During your first float, you might feel a bit anxious or nervous. This is normal. However, once you get into the tank and start floating, you'll likely feel more relaxed. It's important to focus on your breath and allow yourself to let go of any tension.

2. Do I need to bring anything with me?

No, you don't need to bring anything with you. The float spa will provide everything you need, including towels, earplugs, and shampoo.

3. Is it safe?

Yes, floatation therapy is safe. The water used in the tank is filtered and sanitized between each use, and the saltwater solution is sterile. Additionally, the tanks are equipped with a light and call button, so you can get out of the tank at any time if you feel uncomfortable.

4. How long should I float for?

Most float sessions last for 60-90 minutes. However, the length of your session will depend on your personal preference and the recommendations of the float spa.

5. Can anyone float?

Floatation therapy is generally safe for most people. However, if you have any medical conditions, it's important to consult with your doctor before trying it out.

If you're looking for a way to relax and disconnect from the outside world, floatation therapy might be just what you need. It's a safe, effective, and relaxing experience that offers numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. If you're interested in trying it out, book a float spa today. You won't regret it!